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Shirin_walkway patio to street.jpeg

A front yard walled patio features prominently in this design, along with a set of floating steps leading from street sidewalk to entry amidst multi-year old white rose trees. Wall hides a planter on top for cascading white Bush Morning Glories (Convolvulus cneorum) to soften and add a Mediterranean feel

Shirin_top of wall.jpeg
Shirin_front wall.jpeg
Lantana montevidensis Alba.png
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'Sonoma Coast' Yarrow.png
Carex tumulicola.png

Using a single color and choosing drought-tolerant plants doesn't translate to dull—it can lead to some surprisingly refreshing textures and effects

Elegia tectorum.png
Dymondia margaretae.png

Plants are (clockwise): White Trailing Lantana; Silver Carpet (ground cover takes foot traffic); 'Elijah Blue' fescue; Foothill Sedge; 'Sonoma Coast' White Yarrow; Cape Thatching Reed (the only color permitted!)

Stunning, extensive dry creek bed moves excess water from back yard while providing water to surrounding plants through natural percolation

Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue'.png
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